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How long will South Kihei Road be closed this time?

2/4/25 #kihei To close out January, Hawaii was belted with a  strong rain and wind storm, so as usual this meant more mud floods for South Maui. Just like the storm a year ago, parts of South Kihei Road in North Kihei collapsed, and this afternoon (2/4/25) remain closed. County advised: "South Kīhei Road remains closed to the general public from Ohukai Road to Kūlanihākoʻi Street. These areas are open to residential traffic only." This segment  closure South of Kaonoulu as far as...

Future location of key segment of North-South Collector Road

1/28/25 #kihei Currently we are seeing countless truckloads of decades long accumulation of sediment being hauled from the Kūlanihāko‘i Stream gulch onto Kenolio via the North-South Collector Road (NSCR) corridor. Contractor PB Sullivan is continuing this long needed project moving mauka from South Kihei Road. It is expected this effort will help mitigate stormwater flooding at Kaonoulu & South Kihei Road which we have seen for decades, but this action must continue upcountry to really...

Testify to Keep the South Maui Community Plan Community-Friendly 1/28/2025 – meeting canceled

1/25/2025 #kihei #smcp #mpc The Maui Planning Commission (MPC) has a meeting on Tuesday, January 28 at 3pm to continue working on the South Maui Community Plan (SMCP). The meeting is intended to be the final review of the maps that determine what types of development are allowed where in our area. Besides the maps, the section includes area-specific policies for Piilani Promenade (the "MegaMall") and Kīhei Mauka (a proposed large development above the highway). The MPC can revisit anything in...

Where Will the Water Come From?

1/21/2025 #kihei #southmaui #water #meeting Lucienne de Naie explained where water to South Maui comes from and what the limitations are to future consumption. Rob Weltman described the water-related policies adopted by the Community Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC) for the South Maui Community Plan. John Laney presented a video about the road infrastructure shortcomings in South Maui.
Senior Affordable Rental Housing Coming to Central Kihei

Senior Affordable Rental Housing Coming to Central Kihei

  11/8/23  #kihei The first (of 3) phase of Hale O Pi'ikea at the SW corner of Liloa and Pi'ikea is set to begin construction this month.   Hale O Piʻikea will involve the new construction of two four-story buildings, comprising of 90 one, two and three...

Kihei’s Mud Floods have not dried up

Kihei’s Mud Floods have not dried up

  October 31, 2023 #kihei Most of the world's attention toward Maui island is connected with the wildfires, and while our residents' is as well, in South Maui we also know that this time of year we have to be aware and prepared in every way possible for the...

South Maui CPAC 11/1/2023 – Plan Adoption

South Maui CPAC 11/1/2023 – Plan Adoption

  10/30/2023 #kihei #southmaui #cpac #communityplan Wednesday, November 1, 5:30 pm Malcolm Center The South Maui Community Plan Advisory Committee The committee will discuss and decided whether or not to adopt the draft community plan that it has worked on for...

High School Overpass Open House

High School Overpass Open House

The State Department of Transportation and Department of Education along with the hired consultant, Group70, held a meeting in the evening of October 25 at Kūlanihāko‘i High School to present to the community the preliminary (second offering) design of the required...