- President: John Laney
- Vice President: Rob Weltman
- Secretary: Audrey Lester
- Treasurer: Patricia Stillwell
- President Emeritus: Charlene Schulenberg
Board Members
- Beerer, Andrew
- Hecht, Harry
- Laney, John
- Lester, Audrey
- Moran, Michael
- Rugg, Adele
- Schaberg, Bob
- Schulenburg, Charlene
- Stillwell, Patricia
- Wagner, Randy
- Weltman, Rob
Regarding KCA posting 8/2/18 the traffic fatablities of 3 people due to dangerous intersection Welakahao Road and Pi’ilani, we take exception to MIKE MORAN’s endorsement of Transportation Department’s decision of eliminating the left turn lane (travelling north to town) was the best and fastest and cheapest solution. THE BEST SOLUTION, GUARANTEED IS TO INSTALL A TRAFFIC SIGNAL THERE, to slow down the speeding motorists, guarantee a way for traffic to enter the Pi’ilani safely, and PREVENT ACCIDENTS/NEAR MISSES/FATALITIES. Hope Mike Moran will push for this solution. Pushing traffic back down onto South Kihei Road is NOT A SOLUTION. Traffic on South Kihei Road is the reason drivers are seeking better alternate streets to access the Pi’ilani.
Please advise Mike Moran. Mahalo Pamela and Robert Miller, 196 East Welakahao Road, Kihei, Maui, Hawaii 96753
The suggestion to use gulch as relatively cheap pedestrian crossing to the high school at first blush sounds like a good idea.
However the amount of construction needed to assure the walkway in entire gulch route does not wash away during floods would be on order of cost of pedestrian bridge over the highway. The reason is there is not enough space Hidden behind fences above the channel forcing channel embankment to be concreted till Liloa / Kenolio pathway. That route is very hidden and likely a security issue not good.
Major reason I have of pedestrian safety is total lack of speed enforcement on the state highway in such areas by county. Typical driver is 20 mph speeding.
I suggest making all school pedestrian zones as special speed districts and lobby to allow speed cameras to be installed for 100% compliance and openly posted.
Further, county should be lobbied that businesses and developments along pedestrians routes (Kihei road) maintain a viable a gravel pathway with vision triangles compliant to national traffic safety standards (MUTCD)
If you lived as close to this as we do and had to deal with all the traffic,
you’d be opposed to it.
“Roundabouts are designed to promote a continuous, circular flow of
How do you justify that this “continuous flow of traffic” is safe for any
pedestrian, let alone newly licensed drivers?
2 accidents already and more to come with out a doubt, and it’s only
been 2 days!
I live right there and will be recording and showing the entire state
how big of mistake this will be and how many accidents this decision
will cause. Hopefully it doesn’t cost anyone their life but it’s just a
matter of time. I hope I’m wrong but when the first fatality happens,,
you and anyone else agrees with this idiocy will have to live with it. I
will be there to make sure everyone knows about those who thought
it was a good idea and will never let you or them forget what it really
cost this community in the long run!