The Recreation and Education Committee works closely with the Parks Department to establish guidelines for park maintenance, safety and development. Strives to improve and increase the number of bike lanes, sidewalks, recreation areas and safe non-vehicular transportation routes and recreation areas throughout Kihei. It also works with the State Department of Education on school issues, including the building of the new High School.
Chair: Andrew Beerer
Aloha. We are vacationing on Maui for March, and are wondering if the City of Kihei – Parks and Recreation- has a yoga or Pilates classes? Let me know, at your convenience. Best regards, and stay safe.
George Shaver
Ottawa, Ontario,Canada.
Mahalo for contacting KCA We hope you are enjoying your vacation. We are a unfunded non profit , membership community org, so not any part of government. On Maui we have no cities & thus no city government. just one county government for the island of Maui & others islands. To determine what classes or programs are offered by our County Government Parks & Rec Department, you can contact or Phone: : (808) 270-7230 Aloha