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Video from the January 31, 2025 flooding in North Kīhei

3/3/2025 #kihei #flooding Drone video of the aftermath of the January 31, 2025 flooding in North Kīhei, thanks to Olena and Isaac.

The South Maui Community Plan at the Planning Commission March 4, 2025

3/2/2025 #kihei #smcp #mpc #southmaui The Maui Planning Commission (MPC) will be holding two sessions tomorrow, Tuesday, March 4, to finish its review of the South Maui Community Plan (MPC). The 9am-2pm session will finish up the review of the maps (land use designations for all parts of South Maui) and start on the actions and appendices. Oral testimony will be allowed for those who did not testify last time. The list of those who did testify last time is here:...

Kūlanihāko‘i Stream Gulch after the 1/31/25 storm

2/26/25 #kihei Now that South Kihei Road is open in the area of Kūlanihāko‘i Stream and much of the debris cleared away, contractor PB Sullivan is back at their project within the gulch to remove much of the silt and restore the width and depth of decades ago. Much of their prior pre-storm work, which protected some nearby residences from flooding, vanished in the storm, but they are back at work from South Kihei Road to the Highway.  

So Kihei Rd close to reopening in North Kihei?

2/20/25 #kihei This afternoon we see both locations at Wailaka and on both sides of the crossing of Kulanihako'i Stream gulch are almost repaired after last month's mud floods      
Dirt Removal

Dirt Removal

12/12/2024 #kihei #sediment #mudflooding #kulanihakoi Over the years, a depth of up to 10 feet upcountry sediment has filled sections of the Kulanihako’i gulch (near Kaonoulu St) in North Kihei. This week, dump trucks are starting to take that away, with as many as...

Build on land that will be under water?

Build on land that will be under water?

11/10/2024 #kihei #smcp #slrxa #mpc As part of the South Maui Community Plan process, 13 South Maui residents worked for a year, from October 2022 to November 2023, to produce a vision and plan for our area that will benefit both residents and visitors for 20 years...

Megamall or Residences for Piilani Promenade?

Megamall or Residences for Piilani Promenade?

11/9/2024 #kihei #megamall #mpc #smcp #piilanipromenade After extensive discussion, the Community Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC) for the South Maui Community Plan, a volunteer committee appointed by the County Council and consisting entirely of residents of South...

Make Kihei Mauka a Fire Trap?

Make Kihei Mauka a Fire Trap?

11/9/2024 #kihei #planningcommission #mpc #kiheimauka #fire As part of the South Maui Community Plan process, 13 South Maui residents worked for a year, from October 2022 to November 2023, to produce a vision and plan for our area that will benefit both residents and...

Sediment Removal Has Begun!

Sediment Removal Has Begun!

11/04/2024 #kihei #mudflooding #DPW #PBSullivan Today the makai Kulanihako'i sediment removal project has finally begun! This gulch has been filling up for at least 10 years from many mud floods. Sediment testing confirmed up to 10 ft. of upcountry sediment in the...