South Maui CPAC 3/29/2023 – Review All Policies and Actions

South Maui CPAC 3/29/2023 – Review All Policies and Actions


3/17/2023 #kihei #southmaui #cpac #communityplan

Wednesday, March 29, 5:30 pm
Kihei Community Center
The South Maui Community Plan Advisory Committee

The committee will work on the last of the remaining actions in the plan proposal – 1.10-1.17 for topic 1 (transportation) – along with a number of additional actions proposed by the community and by CPAC members. See the annotated action list below. After that, the committee will do an additional pass through all policies and actions already adopted. At the following meeting, it will prioritize the adopted actions; then the committee will start looking at land use in each part of South Maui.

Watch in person at the Kihei Community Center or on Facebook Live.

Material for the discussion around transportation 

CPAC Member Input

Annotated Actions for Transportation 1.10-1.17

Options for the Kihei Mauka Bypass


Mark Hyde

Mark Hyde_Goal 2.1.pdf

Brandi Corpuz_Goal 2.1

Lynn Britton_Goal 2.1

Lynn Britton (Ma’alaea Village Association)_Goal 2.1

Bud Pikrone_Goal 2.1

Larry Stevens_Goal 2.1

Dick Mayer transportation Wailea

Material for the review of all policies and actions

CPAC Member Input

Annotated Policies and Actions

Prime farmland within the SMCP district

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