4/12/17  UPDATE The Maui County Council’s Budget & Finance Committee has squeezed in a meeting at 9:00 AM this Monday 4/17 to address two proposed amendment to the current 2017 FY budget, before resuming one hour later the upcoming  2018 FY budget . One of the two is the Kihei Gym. Of note the ask by the Parks Department is reduced from about $21.5 M to $20. M 

Is getting this gym for S Maui important to you?. The building bid has been awarded, but without this funding that won’t mean much, so it is up to our community to speak up.  Thank Committee chair Hokama for scheduling this hearing & express support for this gym

Go the the eight floor at 9 AM to tell him in person. No can?   submit via email  bf.committee@mauicounty.us.   Minimally call  270-7838

or do nothing and then grumble that Kihei still has no gym.


We expected a large contingent from South Maui would be in Council Chambers to address this long-neglected facility.

4/7/17 #kihei   Next to the State’s DOE High School, the lack of a gym in South Maui is the facility issue our community seems to call for the most. Myriad excuses have come from the segments of our County government that had nothing to offer South Maui’s youth, who were deprived of an athletic faculty available to all other regions of the County for over a decade.

SEE: https://gokihei.org/government/do-kiheis-youth-deserve-a-gym



So was today the day the tide turned? At least no one said no, as the action was to send the item to the Budget & Finance Committee to discuss the expenditure, now proposed at over $21.M. But today there was no discussion.

The meeting opened with a celebration of Seabury Hall’s State Championship for their paddling teams, producing cheers and some tears of joy.

We found only KCA was present to testify in support of the Kihei Gym, and then it was sent to the Budget & Finance Committee. When we determine when it will be heard there, it will be posted here. Meanwhile just more waiting and no gym.

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