Miss it. See video of forum on Akkau Ch 53:Ch53 on:

Date Time Length Title# Program Name CH#
12/7 8:30:00 pm 2:42:36 11156 South Maui Flood Forum 53
12/9 9:00:00 am 2:42:36 11156 South Maui Flood Forum 53
12/13 6:00:00 pm 2:42:36 11156 South Maui Flood Forum 53
12/17 8:30:00 pm 2:42:36 11156 South Maui Flood Forum 53
12/23 7:00:00 pm 2:42:36 11156 South Maui Flood Forum 53


Over one hundred people jammed the Whale Sanctuary Auditorium to hear numerous points of view about Kihei’s notorious “mud floods.”  The forum, presented by the Maui Nui Marine Resource Council, www.MNMRC.Org , with numerous co-sponsers, including the KCA, featured a number of knowledgible presenters and panelists to discuss the reason for these seasonal floods, while looking for mitigation measures. Michael Howden, past chairman of the Maui County Board of Water Supply, County Council Candidate, and long time permaculture advocate, seemed to resonate with the assembly, advocating physical changes to gulches and streambeds upcountry. Maile Carpio, chair of the the clean water committee, explained the next step for MNMRC would be arranging a pilot project, which sounded somewhat akin to Howden’s concept. Watch this website, as well as MNMRC’s for an announcement on time and location. See next week’s Maui Weekly for a report on this forum. Here’s link to power point for 11/18/11 event:



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