Our monthly community meetings have been a large part of what the Association does to better our community, and consume a lot of time and effort by the all volunteer team. In 2012, we heard from Public Works Director David Goode on bikeways, sidewalks, streets and flood mitigation, Mike Morris and Sandy McGuinness of NPAC on nutrition and fitness for kids & adults, before we had the Garden Party in March, and then explored the Maui Island Plan. Our meeting about massive planned development in Pu’unene offered a lot of information about the County’s plans, but left us wanting about the State’s portion along the Mokulele corridor, before the explosive Eclipse mega mall meeting in June. This month the KCA is off the Akaku Studio to the live primary candidates forum, which you can catch on Cable CH 53, or watch live stream at www.akaku.org beginning at 6:00 PM next Tuesday (7/24/12.)
However, sometimes KCA actions produce additional public meetings exhibited by others. While the state agencies would not participate in our Puunene development meeting on May 15, the State inter-agency working group (DLNR, DHHL,DPS and DAGS) has advised KCA they plan a joint meeting for the community on Maui, likely early this fall. on their joint Puunene development plans. Next you will recall representatives of Eclipse refused to participate in last month’s meeting about their planned development in North Kihei, but Councilman Don Couch advised KCA he will have a community meeting in Kihei, possibly in August, on this topic, which will include those absent representatives. Are we seeing a pattern here? But here’s another wrinkle. KCA unsuccessfully attempted to present a meeting with Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar (HC&S) and the Clean Air Branch of the State Department of Health (DOH CAB) to address air quality in South Maui. However we did receive a commitment from DOH CAB of their own public meeting on this topic on Maui, likely later this year. So sometimes what doesn’t happen at our public meetings still works in favor of our membership seeking information to benefit our community. And yes, we remind all of these guys to be sure to support the Maui Food Bank at these meetings like we do at every one of ours. Is your membership up to date? Mahalo.
Council Member Don Couch, Nutritional & Physical Actiity Coalition’s (NPAC) Sandra Mc Guinness and Mike Morris, KCA President Jon Miller (Left To Right)
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