Examination of Potential Additional Revenue Sources for Transportation Projects

9/28/17 #kihei
At the county Planning Department conference room this morning, the Maui Metropolitan Policy Organization (MPO) – www.mauimpo.org – had their regular scheduled periodic meeting to address a number of issues. We were one of a few (third in order) offering public testimony to open the process. We were preceded by mayor’s EA Don Couch, and followed by mayor Alan Arakawa, but had to depart before he concluded.

We last participated in June (SEE: https://gokihei.org/alternative-transportation/maui-mpo-policy-board-meeting-thursday). We are unable to do every one, but have made most, and this is the first one we recall that had mayor Arakawa participating.

Our testimony was on item VI, potential added revenue sources for transportation needs. While we agree it is prudent to seek additional ways to fund transportation needs, our community continuously says no to any increase in GET, as it is seen as regressive and penalizing our less affluent members.

The positive concepts that it be directed exclusively to transportation needs, and that all of it stays on Maui are countered by lack of confidence that these restrictions will be unaltered once the surcharge is in place. Disregarding those who automatically say no to any new or increased taxes, a reasonable segment says no to this potential increase.

Much more positive are rental car taxes and developers having traffic impact fees imposed. Concerning toll roads, since so many routes from place to place on Maui are exclusively used for practical purposes, if there is no alternative most oppose any tolls.

KCA appreciates looking for alternatives rather than the same ‘ol we can’t do anything due to lack of revenue. We also advocate for:

  • Alternatives to personal motor vehicles
  • Safe lower cost bike paths can reduce use of personal MV’s
  • Parents having a safe way for their keiki to walk or bicycle to school
  • Workers being able to do the same to work
  • Residents who can shop and run errands by foot or bike get healthy exercise, reduce pollution, save $ & reduce the need for expansion and maintenance of roads

The next meeting is set for OCT 26, 2017.

Preparing to testify on two items

John & Don testified; Roz said they already know my opinion

Board awaits Councilmmbers-; only Kelly King particpated

Ka Ipu Kukui http://kaipukukui.snappages.com/home.htm. The group had an orientation before the meeting from David Goode. The future looks bright,

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