Tuesday Special Council Meeting includes approval of Corporation Counsel

Council Chair Kelly King
5/29/19 #kihei
Gaveled to order about 10:00 AM on May 28th by the Council Chair, Kihei’s Kelly King, the meeting accomplished some major final steps, including approval of a historic annual budget for FY 2020.
While our district saw discouraging parity which has been on par for most of this century, we do support the refreshing approach taken by this Council to agree to spend more money than proposed by the mayor, rather than always less due to a focus on frugality. The result in the past was always insufficient funding for the needs and wants of the overall county community.
Our hope as the new mayor starts from scratch for FY 2021 is that it may finally be South Maui’s time.

New Corporation Counsel Moana Lutey
Another area concluded was approval of the final Administration’s Department Director, Moana Lutey as the Corporation Counsel by a seven to two vote.
While we hope for the best with a new director, listening to conflicting and puzzling statements of how deputies are to function according to Lutey and what was observed as recently as the last GET Committee by two senior deputies does not instill confidence.
This was accentuated by the directly conflicting statement by her and the first deputy Edward Kushi, as they sat side by side in chambers yesterday morning. But despite the lack of confidence expressed by the Council leadership, seven Council members voted to approve.
Look for a professional report in the Maui News.
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