Did you receive this notice?


Dear Mr, Mrs or MS KCA Member

Thank you for your support of KCA, it is greatly appreciated! Your annual membership with Kihei Community Association expired seven days ago. Please log-on to your membership information page to renew your subscription: https://www.gokihei.org/member Your member details are:

Your User ID: Z2v##KCA 707$

After logging-in, please use “Add/Renew Subscription” controls to complete your payment. If you have any trouble with payment or would like to arrange a manual payment, don’t hesitate to contact us at admin@gokihei.org.

-Best Regards,

Kihei Community Association


Aloha Members;

During much of the new (Is it still new?) year, several of you have received notice that your membership was about to or did expire and asked you to renew.

The faithful supporters did just that and while some received a mahalo for doing so, others were slammed with another reminder that your membership had expired!

For this we ask your patience and understanding. In this digital age we seem to see almost daily occurrences personally or in our small business, or in media reports of multinational corporations or huge government agencies facing similar challenges of some sort. Each entity works to correct the deficiency or error according to their means.

As an unfunded all volunteer non profit organization,our volunteers strive to determine why an error happens and attempt to fix it, but sometimes we find the fix did not perform as advertised, and we search a new. Meanwhile we have to go forward with all our daily efforts.

So please bear with us as you advise a problem. We always acknowledge your input with a brief explanation and continue eliminating the problem to the best of our ability.

We can always use more help in a number of facets in running the KCA, as we never run out of tasks and challenges, but do run short of workers.







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