UPDATE;  Event is THIS Friday 5/11/12, 5:30-7:30 PM at the Whale Sanctuary on So Kihei Road.

UPDATE:4/26/12- Participants will be grouped by ahupua’a (watersheds), given a “storm scenario” to apply to their neighborhood, shown some big maps and markers and pads and asked to share their experiences  of stormwater impacts to their neighborhoods and what could make a difference to reduce impacts and put the water to use. We’ll look at both makai and mauka impacts, and solutions.

Pupu generously donated by Maui Tomorrow

South Maui may have escaped the floods this rainy season, but the problem will come again and again. What happens when more lands are developed? Do our natural gulches need help?  Can storm water be put to good use in dry south Maui?  What is the solution? You are the expert from your neighborhood. It’s time to hear from you.
This is a joint presentation offered by Maui Nui Marine Resource Council, Maui Tomorrow, HIHWNMS and KCA.

 The Clean Water Committee (CWC) of the Maui Nui Marine Resource Council (MNMRC,) http://www.mnmrc.org/  regular monthly meeting on Wednesday (3/28/12) at the Whale Sanctuary discussed a proposed “Stormwater Resource Forum” at the Whale Sanctuary in early May. We all know of the problems experienced by Kihei with too much water in a very short time from multiple sources, and perhaps you attended their “Flood Forum” last November, co-sponsered by KCA and others, exploring this situation, or saw the video of it on Akaku https://www.gokihei.org/news/kokua-kaonoulu-flood-forum.

This proposed meeting is to ask how you are /were affected by problems with stormwater in Kihei, and how can the mass of water be put to a positive use while mitigating damage. A very tentative date is projected as May 11.  Stay Tuned.  Mahalo.



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