Deputy Planning Director Michele McLean advised the Alliance of Maui Community Associations last evening (11/19/12) that the County’s new program to give grants to communities is now available. The total amount for all eligible community is $243 K, which is the amount that would have gone to Wailuku Main Street Association (WMSA) for small town projects, were they in good standing.  However, since Kihei was not in WMSA list of “small towns,”  the administration and County Council decided Kihei would not be able to participate.

The second portion of the meeting was devoted to the Maui Island Plan, and what actions the Alliance would take. Two items were proposed: re-insert the preservation districts (green-ways, green belts, etc) and include a “sunset’ provision regarding proposed developments, in essence, stating a time limit once a development is approved, if commencement does not initiate within a specific time period, the approval of  it is pau, & must begin anew. Each Community Association will vote up or down,  if this will be an official position of the Alliance to be presented to the County Council on November 27,2012.

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