UPDATE: KCA spoke (and wrote) to the County Council’s General Plan Committee, as did numerous individuals from the community, but for the most part the Committee voted against almost all points that KCA  supported. The General Plan Committee added the mauka Makena 390 acre lot back into the Urban Growth Boundary, as well as approving 2 large projects in North Kihei mauka of the Piilani Highway with 2,750 units (1,250 in the R&T Park and 1,500 in Kihei Mauka). (The R&T park is going to submit its Draft EIS in 2 weeks on June 23.) The GPAC had turned down the Makena 390 acres project and included only 1,000 units. mauka of Piilani highway, as all that was necessary. Councilmembers Elle Cochran, Riki Hokama and Don Couch voted against the Makena increase. The following 6  Councilmembers voted for ALL the increases: Gladys Baisa, Mike Victorino, Joe Pontanilla, Danny Mateo, Bob Carroll, + Mike White.

 See Maui News 6/6/12 for professional report: http://www.mauinews.com/page/content.detail/id/561776/Panel-OKs-Makena-acreage-for-growth.html?nav=10


UPDATE; KCA offered additional testimony to the Committee  yesterday morning  (6/4/12) on Kihei and Makena. The Committee  finalized decisions on our area today (6/5/12) beginning at 9:00 AM.

As the clock struck 9:00 AM this morning (5/29/12) in the Maui County Council Chambers for the scheduled start of the General Plan Committee’s hearing regarding South Maui’s section of the Maui Island Plan, much of the chamber was full with concerned community residents. However the nine seats reserved for the committee members remained empty. One by one Council members began appearing until a quorum was reached so the meeting could be gaveled in by Chair Gladys Baisa, although only six of the nine members would participate this morning.

KCA was well represented, led by Greg Strafford, who offered the official KCA testimony, but two other KCA BOD members testified as concerned residents, as did several KCA committee members. Numerous other individuals, and those speaking for community organizations, included support for KCA’s position on the Island Plan, as testimony stretched beyond noon, with two testifiers held over to close out public input when the hearing resumed at 2:00 PM,  before deliberations and discussions by committee members commenced. Look for detailed report in 5/30/12 Maui News.

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