11/22/23  #kihei

Maybe it was because it was Thanksgiving week? Maybe because it has been many months since Kihei has been flooded? Maybe folks are only focused on wildfires? Whatever the reason, there were a lot of empty seats at the Pro Arts Playhouse for an outstanding presentation directed at stormwater flooding, but wildfire matters are certainly intertwined with what is being done to the aina upcountry.

Plenty of room for more attendees to a free event with community benefit but those filling the chairs learned a lot of valuable information.


The featured presenters, Michael Reyes, Senior Ecologist/Principal of Maui Environmental Consulting, was up first

Michael Reyes



Scott Meidell CEO & President of Haleakala Ranch

Scott’s visual presentation offered at the meeting


South Maui District County Council Member Tom Cook was the third panelist

Tom Cook offer this presentation on stormwater at Pro Arts


But the show was not over as segment moderator and KCA director Bob Schaberg asked a series of questions to the panel submitted by those present. For the closeout on the topic, South Maui District State legislator Terez Amato offer a brief legislative update on the topic.


File photo of Terez

Rep Amato’s presentation to the community at meeting

As required by our bylaws, the meeting opened with a membership vote on the make up of the 2024 Board of Directors.

If you were unable to attend or wanted to review something you heard or viewed at the meeting you can view the recording on our KCA Facebook page or see the professional recording below.



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