11/25/23 #kihei
Our general membership meeting earlier this month focused on the negative effects of stormwater flowing down the mountain into South Maui coastal community. For the most part these effects are the result of what humans did over time to disturb and disrupt a natural system developed over centuries that worked well. But when you clear-cut upcountry forests, fill in the near shore estuaries and construct multi-story buildings atop the fill and continuously cast all manner of debris into gulches carved out by flowing water, we see the result.

This highway crossing over Waipuilani Stream Gulch is wide and high enough that even when there is a large surge one can pass under unimpeded.
While there are numerous such negative results, one is flooding of the built infrastructure along the shoreline. While it certainly is not a cure-all, some call for actual bridges crossing over the streams on S. Kihei Rd., rather than the box culverts that we see there. https://www.boxculvert.com/general-information/ KCA has taken numerous actions to achieve this, but were continually stymied by our County government https://gokihei.org/?s=bridge

Box culvert on S. Kihei Rd. does not allow easy flow, can be blocked by debris, so buildings and roadways can become inundated.
However, we still believe that mitigation must be at the source, upcountry. Having raised bridges on S. Kihei Rd. would allow raging water to pass unabated into the kai, and while greatly reducing the flooding of structures and roadways near the shore, it would continue allowing the flow of this contaminated water filled with all manner of debris would continue the destruction of the coral reef system in Ma’ala’e’a Bay.
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