UPDATE (6/10/15) This is an interactive website meaning communication goes both ways, so while we decimate information, you always have the ability to comment on any post. At times guys communicate outside the site’s public format, and call or email directly, as was case here.

We have been advised that the area which we were exploring on the mauka Keokea Gulch was on part of the Haleakala Ranch Company, which we had accessed without their permission, & for this transgression, we have extended our apology to Mr Don Young at the Ranch.

Additionally, Council-member Don Couch has advised that County maps have been corrected to show true water flows. However we see no corresponding acknowledgment or corrections on FEMA maps, so it remains our understanding that the inequities for Kïhei residents remain in place. Thus guys in flooding danger are not covered in a flooding event. Conversely those not in a flood area are paying high insurance rates based on erroneous information provided by the County.

So who is responsible to fix this?

On Thursday (5/14/15) afternoon, the KCA Planning Committee and a few guests took a very short hike to a portion of the Keokea Gulch just mauka of the Pi’ilani Hwy in the vicinity of the Kihei Waste water Treatment Plant.

Just a week before, a contingent from KCA met with County officials on the makai side of our Community Park concerning our proposed bike path, which would cross this same gulch makai of the Pi’ilani Hwy see https://gokihei.org/environment/kca-again-proposes-a-safe-bike-path-in-kihei .

But the purpose of this visit was to begin exploring some of the claims of KCA members concerning an unrecorded gulch diversion decades ago, which does not appear on FEMA’s flood maps of this area, which were prepared by our County government. This matter raise several concerns for our community.

Flood insurance rates and availability are based on these maps, so if in fact they are incorrect, guys in flooding danger are not covered in a flooding event. Conversely those not in a flood area are paying high insurance rates based on erroneous information provided by the County.

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So we are beginning a long arduous project to see what can be determined. The long delayed Kihei Drainage Master Plan is said to be offered to the public this fall, as it was a year ago. We would like to develop  some factual information before this plan is released, concerning this proposed illegal diversion for the benefit of our community. Stay tuned.

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