With the upcoming general membership meeting approaching on Tuesday evening, 6;30 PM, July 18, we remind everyone of our continuing, never ending food drive, strongly advocating for generous non-perishable donations or checks for the Maui Food Bank. Bring yours to next Tuesday’s meeting. And we have a plan.

We all know what a plan is, right?

An orderly or step-by-step conception or proposal for accomplishing an objective: OR a set of actions that have been thought of as a way to do or achieve something” What do you know about the Kihei Makena Community Plan (KCMP, from 1998)? It is a simple document, easy to read and understand, and it is right on this website, under links at the bottom right. Each district of the County has its own plan, and all of them are passed by our County Legislators as law. While the plans are required to be updated every decade, they are not; not even close. KMCP will be at two decades next year, and it will be after that for the update. But it is current law, regardless how much south Maui has changed in twenty years.

To help inform our membership what is up with the County’s community plan update process before the Planning Department gets to KMCP (West Maui will be up next), we are fortunate to have our Council member Kelly King, the chair of the Council’s Planning Committee, along with a team of long range senior planners: Pam Eton and Jen Maden from the Planning Department.

Does this process take too long? Can it be streamlined or expedited while still being all inclusive? We want a quicker process. But we want the best outcome, as it will be ours for a least a decade and likely much longer***** That is our plan, man.

Our general membership meeting, open to the community beyond our members for no charge, will be held as always third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM at 41 E Lipoa, the Kihei Charter Middle School.

Still not a member? You let it lapse? Just zip over to that red button on the home page to sign up. Mo betta: concerned about these issues? Jump on that green button and apply for our planning committee. If you do not do it, who will? Do you want someone else planning for you and your ohana? More info, call (508) 499-9996.

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