UPDATE 7/29/24
UPDATE 7/29/24
It is now about a decade since we began looking at the updates at the R & T Park, now rechristened LIPOA! Now we see the Regency Maui Nursing and Rehabilitation Center is also rechristened, and also completely constructed and landscaped, but not opened! The mystery continues
8/21/17 #kihei
Nearly four years ago we had an informational post about the upper area of the R & T Park – SEE https://gokihei.org/development-project-review/maui-brewing-co-mbc-kihei-brewery-construction-continues-at-r-t-park-mauka-piilani-hwy. Since then the brewery is built, and the Charter School broke ground and is progressing with infrastructure as shown in a few recent pix here.
But right across the road from both of them only this sign remained for all these years until now: Regency Maui Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. Based on an informative inquiry from KCA member Joan C. we show construction activity there this summer behind the sign, but we are not sure what is happening. The phone number on the sign is no longer functioning. Regency Pacific advises they are not constructing anything on Maui at this time, and are not affiliated with this Regency Namakua . Apparently the facility under construction is “Maui Memory Care,” but just what is planned is unclear. However with the help and guidance of Senator Roz Baker, we find there is no required State “Certificate of Need” so not a skilled nursing facility. We also thank Pacific Rim and Pavon Builders Hawaii for their assistance. if YOU have info, please let us know.
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