Several weeks ago we announced that our July 19 general membership meeting would be a 2 segment South Maui candidate forum for the primary election on Saturday August 13. Now we have confirmation that the two Democratic party State Rep. candidates (

Ing & Tegarden)  and the four candidates for South Maui district County Council (

Couch, Deleon, King & Metcalfe)  are all confirmed participants.

We also requested that the community submit potential questions for the candidates, and we have had several, but we also had some concerns and questions about this process.

Q. WIMG_0885ho will be asking the questions?

A. The unpaid volunteer elected board members of KCA

Q. How much time will candidates have to answer?

A. That depends of the question to some extent, but we will only use direct specific questions for short answers to allow those attending to hear from six guys on several topics.

Q. Why no Republicans included for State?

A. Only one individual running, so moves to Nov. automatically.

Q. Will all submitted questions be asked of everyone?

A. Short answer, no. We will have to condense and combine some input based on subject matter and only use relevant areas of concern.

Q. What is cut off date to submit questions.?IMG_3756

A. No concluded yet, but tentatively beginning of July

Q. Can questions be offered at the meeting by those attending?

A. No. That is why we are asking for them to be submitted here.

Q. Will all candidates be offering an opening statement?

Y. A brief one.

Q. Will KCA have Maui Food Bank collection at meeting?

A. Absolutely, and expecting a record breaking contribution.

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