8/19/19 #kihei
After three verrrry looong days of accepting applications until Saturday evening at 8:00 PM, this afternoon just past 1:30 PM Ikaika Ohana started the highly anticipated raffle drawing to announce the winners who will be the lucky renters of truly affordable 2 and 3 bedroom apartments at the Kaiwahine Village in North Kihei.

KCA has been involved with developing affordable housing projects at this site atop Kaiwahine  going back about eight years (a site visit by a Council Committee). Then in March of 2016 we testified – the only ones – in favor of a two year extension of the 201-h (affordable housing) process expiration. We were aware that the then owner was failing, but there was a glimmer of hope he could sell the land in those two years, hopefully to some entity that could make it a success. WOW did that bet pay off! SEE  https://gokihei.org/environment/kawaihine-village-apartment-project.

Just before that extension expired we had Ikaika Ohana swoop in with extraordinary promise of going with a rental project geared towards the lowest income local families. Once again we were in chambers to testify in support – AGAIN the only ones – achieving approval!  It has been all systems go and now the first renters could have a new hale for this Christmas!

So the winning names were announced, and while none were required to be present, we estimated about 50 just had to be there to hear first hand, rather than await an official notification by email over the next week. Those named (118 confirmed out of 261 applicants)  now will have their information verified to insure only truly qualified families have this outstanding opportunity. Thus those disappointed guys who were not named but are on the waiting list this afternoon still can hold out hope.

NOTE: To be clear, KCA has absolutely no part in this process. Our distinct role here is to support Ikaika Ohana in the work to provide 100% very long-term quality truly affordable  rental housing for our low income  population. We are unable to offer any information on necessary qualifications. Please contact Mr Kyle  Beach (808)206-9322, or kbeach@hyderco.com for assistance.

Beyond that,  the PWC’s  Kenolio Apartment project, just southwest of this location, presently shows vertical achievement, as building skeletons have begun peeking over the dust fence at Kaonoulu. So 2020-2121 may yield more opportunities in North Kihei for renters. Further down the line we hope Ikaika Ohana, now working on a project on the West Side, may be back in our district with even more affordable rentals.

Here’s what the project looks like today

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