Everybody In, Nobody Out” Improved Medicare For All – Dr. Leslie Gise

10/16/17 #kihei
With a weak turnout of just eleven, our three directors of course led the way with solid representation, which included the Kula, Pukalani and Haiku Associations, at this month’s meeting of the Alliance of Maui Community Associations.

Dr Leslie Gise, a 20 year MD at Maui Memorial offered a presentation from the perspective of “Physicians For A National Health Program,” www.phhp.org composed of 20,000 doctors nationwide. The major takeaway was to generate community support in Congress for HR 676 and S 1804 which both propose universal health care through expanding Medicare to all, while improving it in certain areas.

In her presentation she advised how poorly our county rates in numerous health care categories compared to several other countries. One item that struck us was that 60% of bankruptcies in the US were medically induced!

Dr Gise can be reached at leslieg@maui.net


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