In this week’s Maui Weekly, reporter Susan Halas takes a realistic and sobering look at the challenges our community faces in getting the proposed Kihei High School funded and built.

Over the past few years, The Kihei Community Association’s Education Committee has been closely tracking the delayed progress of the High School. As the primary community advocates pushing for this school, we have been working closely with the Department of Education, our Senator Baker, Rep. Fontaine and Board of Education representative Wesley Lo. We have also organized meetings with all the neighboring land owners and developers. Despite making progress on the land acquisition and completion of the EIS, the reality is that there remains no agreed upon plan to fund the construction.

In a time where politicians want to be rightfully optimistic and don’t want to present any bad news, the public has been misled into believing that the construction of the school is imminent. Recent press stories regarding the EIS have further confused the public by taking out of context the proposed opening date of 2016.

This article is refreshing in it’s authenticity and that it delves deeper to reveal some of the real challenges we face to get KHS funded and built.

Click the link to read the article, High Hurdles Remain for Kihei High School.

For more information on our plight to advocate for Kihei High School, visit our KHS specific web site


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