UPDATING THE UPDATE  7/16/14  The State Land Use Commission (LUC) has now posted the DEIS for Kaonoulu for the proposed Pi’ilani Promenade . SEE  http://luc.hawaii.gov/pending-petitions-2/boundary-amendments/a94-706-kauonoulu-ranch/a94-706-kaonoulu-ranch-deis/

Upon digesting the lengthy document, your Association found it severely lacking in many areas, and immediately so advised the State Office of Environment Quality in the following missive:












To see what others had to say about the DEIS, go to     http://luc.hawaii.gov/pending-petitions-2/boundary-amendments/a94-706-kauonoulu-ranch/   and look under “Correspondence.”

7/5/14   While some of our local media had recently reported an “update” last month on the controversial Pi’ilani Promenade proposed project, due to a confusing press release, we questioned what of real consequence was new in the statement.

Now there really is something new, in that responses were offered to those who had submitted comments, including KCA, to the Environmental Impact Statement Notice. We submitted ours on Oct 14 of last year-  see  https://www.gokihei.org/wp-content/uploads/PiilaniEISP2.pdf

We received a six page document responding to each of our eleven comments.

Now the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) is the next step in this process,

http://luc.hawaii.gov/pending-petitions-2/boundary-amendments/a94-706-kauonoulu-ranch/a94-706-kaonoulu-ranch-deis/        and KCA is already preparing comments for submission, and we encourage anyone with an interest to take this same action. Let you voice be heard by the regulating agency of our state government.



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