We exploded out of the box to start the new decade. We won’t get fooled again.

Here’ssssssss TINA!

Over 100 attendees packed the hall at St. T’s at 6:30 PM Tuesday (1/21/20). 

First was learning who the 2020 Board of Directors elected as officers.

“Meet the new boss, Same as the old boss”- P Townshend


“the world looks just the same, And history ain’t changed” P. Townshend – Reelected officers Patricia and Rob

Next was a quick plea from Ron Larsen from Pukalani concerning the upcoming 2020 U S Census. Want a job where you can make money with flexible times and at the same time contribute to all of Hawaii getting counted? 

Ron Larsen – Call him at 298-8537 or write at  mauiron@live.com

” Take a bow for the new revolution” Kelly King

Then we introduced our district county council  member Kelly King to a standing ovation! She offered the short list of achievements by Council for 2019 and what is already done in 2020



Finally, we introduced Michael Reyes for the featured presentation of the  Southwest Maui Watershed Plan. He offered an informative slide presentation and answered several questions .

SEE:  https://a6dde6e0-cdb7-46e6-946f-bda7e2ff0ccc.filesusr.com/ugd/c0882d_9514cad08a164e67a2e81fe9d81fcdcb.pdf

See also the report on Michael’s presentation in Maui News.

Dakota Grossman (Maui News)



Michael and Rob

Michael Reyes


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