Its all public information available to anyone interested.

Several months ago we received contrasting opinions from guys when we attempted to hand them our card containing all our contact information. Within a single week we were advised KCA was anti development, and a few days later that KCA “was in bed with the developers.” Wow- based on what?

Everything about KCA is on our website, and if you can’t find a matter of concern on there, our e- address and telephone number are there too; ask us directly.

Here we are just addressing a single segment, our position papers. Currently we have fifteen living documents on a variety of topics publicly available in a drop down box on the top of our home page, ranging from Ag Land Use to Water.

Each one is dated, so when they are modified or updated, as situations change, the latest document is given the revised date.

So if you really want to know what KCA stands for, read what our position is, not what you cousin heard from someone.



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