2/9/23 UPDATE This morning at our Community Center, the DOE was back for the umpteenth time at the State Land Use Commission (LUC) for a “status update” of the now named Kulanihako’i High School. They offer a slide presenation  https://luc.hawaii.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Kulanihakoi-HS-Slide-Deck-2-9-23-LUC-STAMP.pdf        covering segments of the partially completed campus, as well as some of the surrounding area. They also show some virtual designs of a butt ugly overpass.

As always KCA submitted  oral testimony via three directors, nearly half of all testifiers and numerous written submissions The DOE told the commission once again this time they would do the right thing, and again were grilled by commissioners.  What is different than numerous meetings prior?  Not much.   The nearly three hour meeting resulted in the LUC once again standing strong, retaing the conditions placed upon the DOE nearly 10 years ago. Look for media reports from Civil Beat, Hawaii News Now and Maui News








1/26/23 UPDATE  Meeting agenda posted today

Interested in what the State DOE advises is the status of the Kulanihako’I High School

DATE: February 9, 2023 TIME: 9:15 a.m.

IN PERSON: Kihei Community Center 303 E Lipoa Street, Kihei, HI 96753


DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Kūlanihākoʻi (formerly Kihei) High School (Maui) Approximately 77.2 acres of land at Kihei, Maui, Hawai`i, Maui Tax Map Key Nos. 2-2-02: 81 and 83.

 This upcoming status report is to provide the Commission with the latest information on the progress of the construction of the school and how the obligations associated with this Decision and Order are being met. 

The LUC welcomes and invites written testimony on agenda items via several methods:

  • E-mail: dbedt.luc.web@hawaii.gov

  • Mail: State Land Use Commission, P.O. Box 2359, Honolulu, Hawai`i 96804

  • Fax: (808) 587-3827

  • or, in conjunction with oral testimony at the February 9 LUC hearing (please be prepared to provide 16 copies of any written testimony for the Parties & Commission that has not previously been submitted to the LUC for review and posting to the LUC website.


If you on;y want to offer oral testimony you do not need anything in writing although the legal transcriber might appreciate a copy for accuracy, if you are reading something.



1/19/23 UPDATE   State DOE will be back at the Land Use Commission on February 9 at the Kihei Community Center on Lipoa.  at 9:15  AM   We had lost track of how many meetings the LUC has had for the State DOE regarding the high school in No Kihei, but add one more as a “status update” SEE  https://luc.hawaii.gov/completed-dockets/boundary-amendments/maui/a11-794/2023-status-report/


11/5/20  UPDATE    Next MAY be 11/18—Once again we were there to offer live oral and written testimony to the LUC in opposition to the continuous requests by the Dept of Education (DOE)  to remove the required condition imposed back in 2013 for a safe pedestrian access to the new high school.

It took us several years to get the Dept of Transportation (DOT)  to finally agree that a roundabout was unquestionably the safest multimodal  traffic device at the intersection, so now that seems to have become the latest reason the DOE uses to try to ignore the imposed  condition.

So far the Commissioners stand with KCA and refuse to allow the DOE repeated requests for it to be removed, but the matter was deferred. It may be revisited at a future LUC (ZOOM) meeting on 11/ 18/20  STAY TUNED!!

10/28/20 #Kihei
As KCA cruises into our 60th year of incorporation, at times it seems it has been that long since the community has been waiting for our high school. But no, it is not.  It’s probably been only thirty years. Yet the inquiries keep pouring in

  • How come no construction happening at the job site?
  • What happened to the road work at the intersection?
  • Where is the temporary traffic signal?
  • What year is it opening?

We continue to seek answers to these and other questions, but that has not been easy as you see below: this is the latest information available from the Department of Education (DOE).

2020.10.06_PHASING PLAN

201016 - NPCL KHS Detailed Schedule Baseline

When we look at this time line, it seems to be extremely positive or forward leaning, especially for a project with a long history of delays. While we hope it is correct, our expectation is more likely that the first students will be admitted in 2023-2024 at best.

Thus when we once again hear that accomplishing the 2013 imposed State Land Use Commission (LUC) required condition for off grade pedestrian crossing (over or underpass) before the school opens might delay opening, it just seems ludicrous.

The matter is once again on the agenda for the LUC for  9:00 a.m. on 11/4/20. After seven years should our community give in and say just let the kids cross the highway because it’s easier, or say no, enforce the imposed condition (now to be enforced by the County Planning Department) BECAUSE IT IS SAFER and it is what the community has been asking for for many, many years.

Interested persons can submit written testimony no later than 24 hours (November 3, 2020, 9:00 am), in advance of the meeting. Written testimony will be distributed to commission members prior to the meeting. To submit written testimony please email your testimony to:   dbedt.luc.web@hawaii.gov.

To provide oral testimony at the hearing you are required to register for the Zoom webinar.  Meeting Link for Wednesday November 4, 2020


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