Frequent visitors to this site are long aware that this would be the topic for our MARCH General Membership Community Meeting, as shown on the opening page bulletin board. Our community is looking for what can help. The ever-growing situation seems to worsen each month, and while there are reports of progress in some mainland locations, and also in Honolulu, we do not experience this in our area. Why? Is not sufficient effort being exerted? Are we not doing the correct measures? Come listen to a variety of presenters who work in this field within and outside of government. Ask them questions. This needs your attention.

Homelessness is a complex issue. Individuals and groups classified for inclusion here are a mix of mentally challenged, chemically dependent, and poor among others. Therefore solutions tend to be complex as well, but the commonality is they are all living outside, and only a very small minority by choice.

Same time and place as always, 630PM, third Tuesday at the Kihei Charter School 41 E Lipoa, with doors open at 6:00 PM to set up the room while sharing snacks and expressing aloha. All welcome, but membership encouraged, but everyone is asked for a Maui Food Bank donation (check or non perishable items).


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