2/28/2022 #kihei #meeting #ahihi

KCA’s next public meeting will be on Tuesday, March 15 at 6:30pm. The topic is:

?Ahihi Kina?u – a South Maui Jewel

Join us to learn about Maui’s Natural Area Reserve south of Makena – ?Ahihi Kina?u. Jeff Bagshaw of the DLNR will talk about the unique geological and biological features of the area, and why and how they are being protected.

We will also get updates on what is happening in the County and State affecting our community from South Maui Council Member Kelly King and South Maui State Representative Tina Wildberger.

As always, you can join the meeting and pose questions online (no Facebook membership required) at https://facebook.com/kihei.community.association/live

Please share the link with friends. KCA membership is not required but encouraged, as are donations to the Maui Food Bank.

Keep up to date by checking the website often–it’s always topical.


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