UPDATE 5/12/16 NEEDED VISIT INFORMATION FROM THE COUNTY   Are you going? Here’s the visit information.

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UPDATE 4/21/16  With mahalo to the Planning Department, we can now state the Planning Commission has decided to accept the invitation for a site visit at Makena ATC’s project site on Wednesday morning, May 18 at 9:00 AM. This is the morning after our public community meeting on 5/17 concerning overall S Maui building projects in contrast to lack of infrastructure, so this serendipitous meeting juxtaposition seems apropos.

UPDATE 4/20/16  No, we do not know if a site visit is planned, as while we participated in the 4/12 meeting, we could not remain for this later item. This was one of the very PC meetings NOT recorded by Akaku, so we are attempting to get the answer from the Commission. As soon as we do, we will alert the Community on this very site

4/6/16  The last hearing at this County Planning Commission on this proposed project back In January,  SEE https://gokihei.org/environment/maui-island-residents-tell-commissioners-to-say-no-to-atc-makena        brought forth a huge crowd, with the vast majority testifying against the project. As the meeting’s stated intent was simply to take comments, and take no vote on any decision, it was a “to be determined” conclusion.IMG_2818IMG_2814IMG_2824









Now the next meeting on Tuesday (4/12/16) indicates on the agenda that one decision to be made in the process, will the Commissioners want to do a site visit, & if so when?. Our expectation is the volunteer Commissions, joined by two new ones, and under direction of a new Chair, will respond affirmatively to the invitation and set up a time and date to do so. If correct, once announced we will pass on the word to the community, and expect a strong segment of the concerned public will want to participate. Stay Tuned!

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