UPDATE  12/1/19  Last Tuesday (11/26/19)  the Planning Commission voted for the change of zoning. It is our understanding that the long term  S Maui family who owns the land has no plans for development, but intends to sell the land to a development team which professes to build a work force housing project on the site. Stay Tuned!











UPDATE   11/15/19 IT IS OFFICIAL NOW.  The Planning Commission Agenda published  and this matter is scheduled for Nov 26 meeting

11/1/19  UPDATE  Today the County Planning Department announced that this item of concern has been postponed from Nov 12 to Nov 26,2019

10/12/19#kihei  As you see, it has been almost a year since the lame duck 2018 Council, with 2/3 not returning in 2019, ignored the public testimony ( which occupied an entire day) and voted to send this to the Maui Planning Commission after most of them had moved on. So now we understand the Council’s action is coming to fruition on Nov  12, 2019 before the Commission. There is no agenda yet, so we will have to await that probably in the week of 11/4/19. If you have concerns, mark the date on your calendar, and stay tuned for updates.

12/13/18 UPDATE  In spite of the fact that by our understanding every public testifier who addressed this issue to the Council requested it NOT move forward. the nine member Council voted to move it forward by a 7-2 vote this morning. Some may wonder if this kind of action impedes potential public participation

12/12/18  One added comment to clarify and correct. When we originally testified back in October, we stated plot was designed in the community plan as Open Space, but Member Crivello stated it was not. ** This is Community Plan, not zoning. ** While we are all volunteers we do our best due diligence before we testify and we looked at the KMCP map and this plot has a OS and P (public)right over it. We sought opinion of knowledgeable  guys who agreed map clearly showed open space or public, not single family.   So going anther step, we asked Kelly King’s office if they could  check with the Administration’s Planning Dept (PD). for their input. They advised PD said that it was NOT open space, nor public, but SF (single family).

We created this image  of the KMCP , but added the explanations (in  violet) to clarity what the PD advises.  We will be sure to try to insure when KMCP is finally updated that the maps are clearer to climate confiscation of this nature.

This does not change our position on NOT proceeding toward change of ZONING until the developer owns the land, and  clear specific plan has been presented both to the Community and the Council






12/3/18 #kihei
This morning, this trio from Aina Lani Pacific, LLC – Howard and Jeff Kihuni and Sandra Duvauchelle – met with representatives of the KCA board to offer information on a potential 28 unit 100% affordable (80-120% of AMI) single family housing project proposed for about 7.5 acres on South Kihei Road (SKR) mauka of Sorento’s. The houses would be required to remain”affordable” for ten years after purchase, but then could be sold at market price. They are expected to range from about $400,000 to $600,000. The land first requires a change of zoning from Open Zone to R-1 residential and from Open Space to Single Family in the Community Plan. If approved by the Council, it still has a number of hearings and permit requests ahead.

Howard offered that the goal of the company is to provide housing for workers near the resorts, offering them a short commute to work and taking some traffic off the roads. They are currently working on two similar projects on the West side, with the initial homes there ready in a few months.

This morning’s meeting with KCA  occurred as a result of a conversation in the rear of the County Council chambers during a Land Use Committee meeting back on Oct 23 when a resolution was proposed by Member Crivello to request the zoning  change by the County Planning commission, before there was any community awareness of the project. For that reason, KCA testified in opposition that day, but KCA president Mike Moran sought out Howard Kihuni to request a meeting to learn just what was being proposed for our region. Howard readily agreed and this morning’s meetup was the outcome.

The next step in the process will occur next Tuesday (12/11/18) at the County Council meeting, and the agenda is posted to show this is included.

Recommending the following:
1. ADOPTION of resolution to transmit to the Maui Planning Commission
a proposed bill to grant a Change in Zoning for a 6.943-acre parcel
identified for real property tax purposes as tax map key (2) 3-9-004:141,
Kihei, Maui, Hawaii, to facilitate the development of an affordable
housing project; and
2. FILING of communication.

Concerned community members should consider testifying.

If approved, it will be before the County Planning Commission in 2019.





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