UPDATE 10/3/14    PC 33, This Home Based Business Bill arose as scheduled this afternoon in the Committee, with the absence of any community testimony. Thus the five members of the committee’s total of seven who were present, went through the often revised bill, supplemented  with Planning Department input, and approved the bill on first reading. Thus the likely continued approval with the committee  and the full County Council, it could be ready from the mayor’s  signature before the end of the year. It would take immediate effect upon approval. Also it is to be revisited 18 months after approval to examine effectiveness and any need for adjustments.

UPDATE 9/19/14  As an all volunteer unfunded non profit, we are challenged at times taking on innumerable efforts for our community. An example of this occurred for the County Council Committee meeting this afternoon, as we had intended to add oral testimony to our written submission, but due to personal emergency, were unable to do so.  However, we appreciate Council-member and Committee Chair Don Couch publicly addressing and agreeing with some of our written comments. on this proposed bill. No final decisions have been made so far, & discussion will continue in this Planning Committee, with the next meeting on this home based business bill, PC 33, set for Friday 10/3/14 at 1:30 PM.

UPDATE  9/4/14 Since we last voiced community concerns about the topic of this proposed bill, almost a year has passed, but the County Council Planning Committee chaired by Don Couch, scheduled a hearing today to continue the discussion. As we had our monthly board meeting, we were unable to participate, but have another chance on Friday 9/19/14 at 1:30 PM.  Do YOU have any input or concerns about businesses allowed in your residential neighborhood?   Check out the draft bill in its present form at : http://www.co.maui.hi.us/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/19435  .         In addition, here is the Committee agenda for Friday.  http://www.co.maui.hi.us/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/19434.

You can advise KCA what is important to you, or submit your own concerns directly to the Committee on Friday on the 8th floor, or by email by Thursday.
10/28/13  About one dozen Kihei residents came to the Community Center this evening (10/28/13) to give testimony to the County’s Planning Committee concerning “home based businesses,” including Association president Mike Moran. Much of the testimony was similar inthat prime concern was protect the neighbords from intrusion and disturbance, as most testified as homeowners, but a few spoke as small home business operators. There was general acceptance of a sole practitioner who most guys do not even know is running a business from his house, and objected strongy to the guy who fixes cars, and often has an least a half dozen parked all around his place and on the street, making a racket with customers coming and going all the time. If you missed the meeting, but still want to examine the Maui County Council’s Planning Committee consideration of modifying the present home business law, it is not too late. This was the first of a series of evening committee meetings on this proposal around the County in the evenings (6:00 PM). For additional information, contact Don Couch at at 270-7108 or via e-mail at pc.committee@mauicounty.us, Or you can just submit written testimony to that address.

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