Author: Andrew

Development done right

Maui News Editorial | August 3, 2009 How’s this for a change? A Mainland-based developer is planning a large project in one of Maui’s most populated communities on a parcel between existing shopping centers, and . ....

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Upcoming August 18th Community Meeting

The Aug 18 meeting will address proposed changes to our south Maui parks concerning prohibition of alcohol consumption and smoking tobacco products. Come express your opinions to the KCA so we can advise County government what...

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  • Send your renewal amount with Venmo to or scan the QR code below and specify your renewal level (individual standard $25, individual silver $50, individual gold $100, business standard $100, business silver $250, business gold $500)

  • Pay by credit card
  • Mail a check for one of the amounts above to:
    Kihei Community Association
    P.O. Box 662
    Kihei, HI 96753