IMG_0710For decades Maui residents wondered how best to dispose of hazardous material residue around their homes. While other counties had plans in place, Maui seemed to be lacking. Some guys, just with frustration , sent them to the County landfill, while the very conscientious and concerned ones kept accumulating them around the house or garage, hoping a better way would come along. For those especially good guys, your time has come.

The FREE Household Hazardous Household Waste Collection on May 16 and 17 (Sat & Sun) will accept oil based paint , thermometers, pesticides, antifreeze, old medications, aerosols, damaged propane tanks, as well as the familiar batteries & CFL bulbs which we can now drop off at some facilities, but why not do it all at once.

Now you do have to call ahead to schedule an appointment, disclosing just what you need to dispose, to learn the location.

For information, call EnviroServices (855) 325-3222.

While we have no validation why the County Administration decided to set up this program, it is worthy to note that a community generated question addressed to the mayoral candidates at the KCA forum last year, and the re-elected mayor’s response.



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