UPDATED MAR 13, 2013 Maui County Planning Committee unamimously approves next phase of this development, at which KCA offered testimony.  See Maui News Article:  

Interesting they are updating traffic study.

NOV 8 2012 Led by executive V. P.  Jay Krigsman, The Krausz Companies offered an updated presentation of their Downtown Kihei Project, which is projected to be at least two years away from initial construction, as the project is still working through the complex County permitting process. The project, as currently proposed, would consist of a hotel for 150 guests and a sixty foot tall “classy” theatre, and constructed on the north and south side of Pi’ikea, makai of Safeway. Committee members had questions and concerns about the proposed projects provisions of bicycle and pedestrian friendly connections , as well as the proposed project’s effect on overall motorized vehicular travel.

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