IMG_2952IMG_2627IMG_2344The Maui County Charter (shown on this website for your browsing) is ofter referred to as the County’s Constitution, the law of our islands. It is “automatically” reviewed and updated every ten years, but it also can be done without waiting a decade, via the ballot.

This Monday morning (6/27) at 9:00 AM in Council Chambers, the Council’s Policy Committee hearing will accept your testimony on ELEVEN items for potential inclusion of the November ballot, and there is a time crunch for decisions of all to allow the legal requirement for full Council to have two announced meetings to make final decision.

In our opinion the hot button one is the governance issue (PIA 16-10) to give voters the ability to decide on how we are governed, but each of the other ten are certainly important too.

KCA has followed the governance issue for years, and offered the members (and others) the opportunity to help form an opinion via our Jan, 2016 public meeting– SEE

We have monitored the Special Committee meetings, and testified at a few. We watched many of the Cost of Government Commission hearings on the topic

Our position is consistent; LET THE VOTERS DECIDE- PLACE IT ON THE NOV 8 BALLOT. We will so testify on Monday.

See Agenda:


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