Thursday, December 28, 2006

Allegra Fasnacht


KCA president and Maui Coast Hotel manager has put a commitment into his work that has inspired an entire community to do great things.

David Frazier became involved with the Kihei Community Association (KCA) a few years ago, first as a member, and then on the board of directors in 2005. That year, he became “acting” president, and was formally elected by the board as president for 2006.

“David approached me while I was a board member on KCA,” said Joe Bertram III, state representative for South Maui. “He expressed an interest in helping the community. I pressed him to join our board and was immediately impressed by his organizational abilities and can-do attitude. I nominated him for president at our first meeting!”

Bertram was also impressed with his work ethic, commitment to teamwork and practical solutions that have built the KCA to its strongest position in the ten years that he has served on the board. “From roundabouts to parks, his positive influence can best be summed up in the motto he brought to KCA—”It’s not you should, it’s I will!”

“It has been a real challenge to be both Maui Coast manager and also to be so involved in KCA,” said Frazier, “but I have had the support of my staff at the hotel and its ownership group—as we all recognize the importance of giving Kihei a voice in the Maui community,” he said.

“David Frazier has certainly made his mark in Maui County this past year,” said KCA board member Joseph Bean, culture and government editor at the Maui Weekly. “Just being the president of the Kihei Community Association didn’t guarantee that he would do anything significant, but being David Frazier did. He boosted the Kalama Park Action Team (KPAT), the Pump Don’t Dump movement and any number of other action-items.”

Working with the Maui Police and in collaboration with KPAT, they were able to strengthen their relationships, allowing MPD to increase their presence in the parks. KCA even procured enough money to buy a patrol ATV for the police.

This year, the KCA was able to establish regular meetings with most of the Maui County administration, which Frazier said was key to their accomplishments. “We testified often before the council,” he said, “and with Michelle Anderson’s help and the rest of the council members, we were able to secure much-needed additional funding for improvements to South Maui.”

Frazier is working on creating bicycle and pedestrian-friendly roads and greenways, including the North-South collector road. “We believe that roundabouts, as well as bikeways and properly installed crosswalks, are the key to keeping traffic moving while keeping the bikers and pedestrians safe,” he said.

He testified in O‘ahu before the Department of Education board to secure funding and prioritize the construction of a Kihei high school, personally working with BOE member Mary Cochran. There are current plans with developer Everett Dowling to get the project underway.

“He remains respectful, however angry he may be, whether he is talking to the county administration, the council, the community, or any committee or group,” said Bean. “The result of his respectful but persistent approach, coupled with that ‘I will’ attitude toward doing his homework, has been cooperation and success, over and over.”

“I believe that anything worth doing is worth doing right,” said Frazier. “I take personal interest in the KCA in that respect. I try to listen more than I speak, in order to figure out what is really going on. Usually, if I keep my mind open, there is often an expert that can help. Everything, of course, is done with total courtesy and respect.

“In addition, I have had great board members that have each taken on a committee of their own in order to really be able to focus and get things done.”

Raised in Northern California, Frazier worked his way through college at Chico State, majoring in philosophy and English literature. “I was planning to go into law,” he said, “but ended up with a career in hospitality.”

He moved to Maui in January 2000, after a request to his superiors at Coast Hotels that he move here if the general manager spot were to open at the Maui branch. He and his wife, Jolanta, principal broker at the Wailea Group, live in Kihei near the Maui Coast Hotel.

“It has been a very rewarding experience for me,” said Frazier, “particularly because of the relationships I have been able to establish with people from the community and the Maui County administration.”

Plus, he finds the island “absolute heaven on earth” and tries to make it a daily ritual to connect with some aspect of it. Most often, it’s a late evening swim at Kama‘ole II.

Frazier attributed his presidential success to his management experience and his example of commitment to his fellow KCA members. To keep it running smoothly, he said it takes “hours and hours with the help of many good board members and their devotion to South Maui.”

“It has been an honor and a privilege to work along side David Frazier this past year,” said KCA board member Michael C. DiBella. “His drive and passion are the qualities that have allowed the KCA to achieve such goals in 2006, from ‘Cops on Bikes’ (or ATVs), to the realization of a Kihei High School in the very near future. I look forward to another very successful year in this organization, knowing that David will be at the helm spearheading these types of community related efforts.”

“While I have only known David for a little over two years,” said Mike Moran of Pump Don’t Dump, “mostly observing as a member of Kihei Community Association, the results of his dedicated work shine through as the long list of achievements attained by KCA since he assumed the helm as president. He has shown the ability to head this fine organization by inducing and inspiring board and general members alike to continuously strive to make Kihei a better community. He is truly deserving for the selection of ‘Person of the Year.’”

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