As South Kihei Rd. begins the journey southbound commencing at intersection of No Kihei Rd following the Maui coastline, after passing the high-rise condos on the makai side, we observe the Kihei Canoe Club’s hale leading to the start of Mai Poina ‘Oe la’u Beach Park aka Veterans Park extending about a mile. The park and pavilion are dedicated to Korean War Veterans of Maui, and the hau tress planted there in memory of the individuals who gave their lives in that effort,

As we pass the single Maui Lu resort building on the makai side, the beach park is now Kaleoplepo, a 1.5 acre county park, dissected by the HIHWNMS (Federal Whale Sanctuary), and features a ancient fish pond being refurbished.

The Sanctuary’s newest building nearest the road on the north side of their property is being threatened by the  formation of sand dune , as mother nature is reclaiming additional territory. Presently a dedicated group has begun a balancing act. On 1/7/11, students from the Kihei Charter Middle School were on hand to start moving some of the sand that accumulated this last summer at this site overlooking the Whale Sanctuary conference center.  The sand dune threatens to overtake the building if something is not done. After the dune is leveled by hand, which is required, the group, with the cooperation of the KCA, will be requesting a permit to install sand fencing to encourage the blowing sand to build a dune a reasonable distance from the building. This will be an ongoing project this year and if anyone wishes to participate or assist, please contact KCA’s Bob Richardson at 264-1798


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