On May 15th, Lis and Bob Richardson representing the KCA, worked with members of the Maui Canoe Club at the beach just north of the Whale Sanctuary on a dune fencing project. After obtaining State and County approval and meeting with the coastal geologist and Parks Dept Supervisor the work was authorized. The Maui Canoe Club offered to help with the install and the KCA donated the expertise supplies and equipment.

The project went well and was completed on Wednesday May 20.
Big mahalo to the Maui Canoe Club for their effort and willingness to give back to their community.

If your group, school, or canoe club would also like to share in these great volunteer opportunities please contact the KCA for further information, please email: kca@gokihei.org or phone: (808) 879-5390.

Please view the sand dune restoration story at the 10:00 minute mark on this Maui TV News video:http://www.mauitvnews.com/Show/MauiTVNews5-21-09.htm

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