

UPDATE 4/18/15 A trio of KCA directors attended the meeting, along with about twenty So. Maui residents, all with a variety of concerns handled, well by Ing in the 90 minute allocation.

The hot topic was the pending legislation on the Hospital. The group was very upset about the possibility of losing services or having the hospital proceed to bankruptcy. The bill to allow public/private partnership will be going to joint committee for action which must occur quickly. Ing stated that this bill was his highest priority and he was in support. (NOTE: The KCA July community meeting will have guests speaking about this situation.) Ing said that this is definitely not a hot topic in Honolulu. He was referring to people’s concerns today. He suggested that concerned citizens write to Josh Green, Chair of the Senate Health Committee, and Della Au Belatti, chair of the House Health Committee, and let them know how crucial this is to Maui. In prior discussions with Dr Green over the years, we found him much in agreement with KCA
Also some of the meeting attendees decided to start a grassroots citizens committee to push the issue, and we will be monitoring that.

Other items addressed included the high school, with a promise to keep the process going. All present did not have a high regard for the DOE proceeding swiftly. The issue of the 100 million missing dollars was discussed, but not to the satisfaction of the audience.

Other issues of importance that were raised: the lack of available housing for low and middle class residence, funding for a librarian for the book mobile, issues of harvesting fish for aquariums, trash to waste energy, and restriction of police officers armed with a gun when drinking.

Because of the people in attendance, there was no GMO issue or cane burning issue raised. In our opinion, Ing handled the one and one half hours in a very professional manner, He was on the hot seat for not producing results on the hospital which has been known to be a problem for the last five years.(Ing is in his second term, so has been in office for just over two years) He stated that Oahu was still focused on the cost overruns on their rail system and other matters were not given great attention.

Ing said that this is definitely not a hot topic in Honolulu. He was referring to people’s concerns today.

4/14/15   As the 2015 State Ledge session is heading toward conclusion, we have the opportunity for an interim update from District 11 (majority of So Maui) Representative Kaniela Ing this Saturday morning in Kïhei. The Representative announced a “Community Town-hall”at the Kihei Charter Middle School, 41 E Lipoa (the same location as our general membership meetings ) from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM on Saturday 4/18/15. We encourage attendance for an “update… on the current legislative session and… to listen to your concerns.”

This meeting may offer a a taste of what Kaniela will say to our community when the session is over, as he will be our guest on Tuesday evening, May 19, at this same location.

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