We will find out in November, but for now, we are submitting items

9/02/18 # kihei

This evening mayor Arakawa had many of his key administration personnel assembled at the Community Center to accept community input for the next county budget which will take effect July 1, 2019.

As we do almost every year, we submitted a few requests for the benefit of the South Maui community. We are unclear what effect this will have on the new mayor and his or her team, as most officials present are not expected to be part of the new team.

Nearly fifty people were scattered around the huge room at the 5:30 PM start as Budget Director Sandy Baz kicked off the meeting. He introducing the various departments from Fire to Housing and all in between, before handing over the mic to the mayor. After about fifteen minutes the attendees were allowed to interface with the various department representatives to express their concerns.





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