8/19/19  #kihei

If that is true, with whom or what would Maui County want to partner with or even lead? Major polluters? Corporations who place profit over the natural environment? Those are some of the entities supporting the County’s US Supreme Court case, hoping for a ruling that it will be OK to dump pollutants into the ocean or rivers without a permit, as long as you do it in a hole or pipe next to the ocean rather than right in it.

Amicus Briefs to Supreme Court on Lahaina Injection Wells Case

But what is this all about, anyway? You can get some quick answers here.

Or get some expert information on Wednesday at the Maui Ocean Center:

If you can’t a seat at the Ocean Center, you can still watch it live on Akaku TV channel 55, on Akaku on the Web here, or on Facebook Live here.

Once you get the picture, here is what you can do:

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