This action seemingly would reduce this



UPDATE  3/7/24  This morning the Council’s  WAI committee  unanimously approved this action, so it moves onto the full council,  Following some of  our testimony, panel obtained some clarification. The debris removed will not be tested, and will be delivered to Kaonoulu Ranch lands mauka the highway.  a reasonable distance from the stream, where it will be seeded for retention

As of today the DPW does not have an SMA permit and it has not yet gone out to bid, In our opinion the estimated date of of completion on  5/5/24 does not seem feasible. 

Many members expressed what we have for well over a decade. This is good BUT what needs to be be done is work from top down, Unless you do so, whatever is removed makai will soon be replaced by more of the same from mauka.


For over a decade, the coastal area of Kihei has experienced the effects of being overwhelmed with stormwater contaminated with a myriad of debris, toxic and otherwise. Our community has taken various actions seeking relief,  including this example from a dozen years ago:

In reality the outcome of each  event is removal of the debris, waiting for the kai to turn from brown to blue and then forgetaboutit until the next time.  Yes, there are long term plans proposed, taskforces formed, lots of discussions, but no actions to begin to fix the problem.  Until now?  Take a look at County bill 41.  The County referred it to Tom Cook’s committee where it will have a first hearing on March 7 at 900 AM:  –


So if they remove a boatload of silt and sediment from one portion of one stream bed, will that fix the problem?  Of course not, but it can be a major help to the area of Kaonoulu and South Kihei Road in the next storm.

There could be a large reduction of this mess in the next storm event

But there are many steps necessary to undo missteps  taken in the past century. While we are unclear of some of the details here, such as this stated timeline:
1. Obtaining permits: estimated month 3
2. Completing quality assurance plan: estimated month 3
3. Solicit bids: estimated month 3
4. Award contract: estimated month 5
5. Date of estimated completion of construction: 05/05/2024, or as amended 

removing thousands of truckloads from this makai segment between the Highway and South Kihei Road can beneficial.

Also while this riverbed somehow remains privately owned, currently by Peter Savio, prior owners advised us the financial burden was theirs in restoring that location,  so nothing was ever achieved.


Now seems things have changed. We will be watching this one, and if you are concerned about mudfloods, you should too.


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