The meeting commenced  with introductions and announcements by Steve Cordova, followed by an explantion of the ongoing beach area volunteer projects by Bob Richardson, and Andrew Beerer’s informing about the KCA website. The three Association board members then turned the meeting to horored guest,Maui county Director of the Department of Transportation, Joann Johnson Winer, who offered an informative presentation on the Maui Bus System, “one of the fastest groiwing in the country.”Next Kihei area elected representatives County Coucilman Don Couch and area state representative George Fonaine each offered a brief presentation concerning their respective legislative body updates.  The next segment was a panel discussion inclufing Director Winer with State DOT represenative Charlene Shubuya, moderated by KCA President Jon Miller.

The meeting was then open for questions from the audience, before the meeting was closed by Steve, who announced the July 19th meeting would again welcome back Couch and Fontaine, and also include State Senator Roz Baker. The topic will be water related environmental issues, welcoming Robin Knox of the South Maui Watershed Coalition and Water Department Director, Dave Taylor. See you there. A extensive report on the meeting is set to appear in the 6/30/11 edition of the Maui Weekly. Mahalo.

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