9/22/17 #kihei
Shortly after 6:00 PM Public Works (DPW) Director David Goode called the meeting to order on September 21 at the Kihei Community Center, then introduced Walter Chung of R. M Towell, the firm that created the plan, to present. the pre-final Kihei Drainage Master Plan. Present to assist for DPW were engineers Kristi Ono, Wendy Kobasigawa and Ty Takeno.

Unfortunately the projector would not function and the planned sound system was not in place, so it was old school for about 35 guys present, including three KCA directors. The late arrivals probably brought total to forty.

Walter’s hampered presentation due to A-V issues was frequently interrupted by innumerable questions and comments, not all relevant, by a very active concerned community. We did not hear a single person attending who was in support of the plan, and we frankly question whether any proposed actions will take place, save the only one proposed within the first five years – installing the box culvert on SKR at Kulanihakoi River – and we continue to oppose that. SEE https://gokihei.org/noconcrete.

No detention basins for at least twenty years!!!

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