At the State Land Use Commission(LUC) meeting  this morning (6/27/13) at the Haynes Room at the MACC in Kahului, the LUC addressed two item of concern to our community, the Kihei High School (KHS) and the Ka’ono’ulu Ranch property under proposed development by Sarofim Realty Advisors mauka  the highway.

The KHS action to amend the AG land use district boundary into urban was passed, but an added condition calls for a road crossing either above or below the highway to be done before phase 1 of the school, which would accommodate the first 800 students to the new school.  This seemed to echo Jesse Souki’s  testimony for the State Planning on road safety

The Ka’ono’ulu Ranch offered three actions to consider, and the Commission voted unanimously on all of them in favor of the land owner Sarofim Reality. (Ironically the only time we heard the name Sarofim mentioned  during the entire process was in public testimony offered by Joan Martin.) We did hear our Association named by Pi’ilani Promenade attorney Steiner to advise the commissioners the the owners had met with KCA and would continue to do so. This seemed to be offered as a justification for Pi’ilani Promenade  (PP)  motion to stay phase II of the show cause order proposed by the intervenors, as well as support PP’s motion to strike the intervenors motion to conclude the contested case.

The KCA BOD will meet with Sarofim tomorrow morning at meeting proposed by Sarofim in response to a lengthy letter    from KCA in response to a prior meeting on June 4. Sarofim proposed to offer a plan showing “general layouts to address points” in our letter at Friday’s meeting.

Look for a professional  report of today’s meeting in the Maui News.


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