October 31, 2023 #kihei

Most of the world’s attention toward Maui island is connected with the wildfires, and while our residents’ is as well, in South Maui we also know that this time of year we have to be aware and prepared in every way possible for the potential of mud flooding. So our November 21 membership meeting will do both with an update on wildfire mitigation actions and examine what is and can be done about storm water controls.

But before that we will present the list of 2024 board candidates to the membership for approval. As always, the November general membership meeting is where the members elect the following year’s board of directors to their one year term for the term beginning January.  KCA bylaws set the number between 6 and 20 directors. Like last year, we have some new energetic candidates on the slate so there is a good mix of veterans and new directors. 

Our new meeting location, the Pro Arts Playhouse, was a huge hit with our members in September, so we expect more of the same in November.


In September, Elizabeth Pickett advised us on the value of a creating a firewise community


State Senator Angus McKelvey explained the state and federal funding possibilities

Are you taking measures to protect your neighborhood from wildfires? Do not wait until the fires are raging!!

Turning to the ongoing recurring flooding issue, we had said for years that the results are makai, but the problem begins mauka. If there is no action at the root cause, you are destined to fail. Remedies have to occur upcounty so we will hear from the Haleakala Ranch in the person of Scott Meidell to learn of the steps being taken to alleviate the situation as the storm water flows downhill. 


Scott Meidell of Haleakala Ranch


Tom Cook is the South Maui District member of the County Council. He will contribute what the County Council is doing in his district about the ongoing flooding issues


Michael Reyes has presented several times for KCA members.

Professional Michael Reyes is back to explain about watersheds and what aspects of our watershed fits with the Kihei flooding situation.


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