OK, testifies, but that spoiled the alliteration.

#kihei 3/13/17 For the first time this year, we returned to the Maui Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) board meeting this morning.

For those new to the concept: the MPO will assign resources for transportation independent of if a road is state-owned or county-owned.

With a disappointing response from a board member when we last testified in December, we took a fresh new year approach to express our community’s concerns related to transportation. That concern was addressed when we testified today.

Shortly after 9:00 AM everyone was settled. Unlike the expectation for tomorrow’s Planning Commission meeting on Makena Resort, this same room had plenty of empty chairs, and just seven testifiers.

Initially we voiced support for board leadership suggesting DPW Director Goode continue as board chair, and our Legislator Kelly King to fill the vacant vice chair spot. While Direct Goode retains his spot, board division caused the vice chair selection to be delayed in hope all seven members would be present at next meeting. The vote was evenly split between our nominee from South Maui Kelly King and the Molokai Rep Stacy Crivello.

Next we moved to offering extensive comments on a draft of “Maui Multimodal Transportation Plan (2040).” We believe thoughtful long term plans of this nature are vital. While we see challenges in our own multi-modal transportation in South Maui, many ask where was the long term planning with all the proposed growth especially on the West and even North area, which now both see continuous choke points of traffic. Was there a long term traffic plan twenty years ago?

So for our region our comments addressed the current inadequate traffic circulation, need for less dependence on motor vehicles, needed funding, and addressed the phantom Pi’ilani mauka bypass road and our long overdue South Maui traffic master plan.

We stayed for most of this discussion, but departed after two hours. The next meeting is scheduled for May 22 at 9:00 AM.



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