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UPDATE 9/24/15  LUC announced next meeting is 9/30/15 at 1:30 PM at Council Chambers, where they most likely will make a final decision. If you have an interest, you should go say so, or if no can, at least submit something in writing by 9/29/15 at noon   Yes, if approved, it will have to get a special management area (SMA) permit & go before the Planning Commission, and you can testify there as well, but that is more limited on specific concerns, and besides the Council members are your elected officials, who should be listening to you! 



UPDATE 9/17/15 KCA participated in both LUC meetings with three directors testifying at each one in a unified community message condensed to: While in full continuous support for affordable housing, especially rentals, but don’t ignore important other community issues in the process.

Stand by you decade long IMG_1622 IMG_1624 IMG_1627 IMG_1629 IMG_1631 IMG_1632 IMG_1634 IMG_1636 IMG_1638assurance that the North South Collector Road segment will be built here; do not allow mainland practice of going underground with the  tributary gulch diagonally crossing the property, and also to fill and harden the edge of the Kulanihakoi Gulch; Traffic impacts makes a difference, and 500 cars can’t be ignored. (Of course parking for all the overflow cars will clog streets well.)Flooding. It is generally accepted first & worse flooding occurs at IMG_1642 IMG_1644 IMG_1645 IMG_1655 IMG_1659intersection of Kaonoulu & SKR. stormwater from site will exacerbate the flooding at this intersection, which then can devastate our coral reef environment. .

  9/9/15  -At the project site at SW corner of Kaonoulu and Pi’ilani Hwy at 9:00 AM this Tuesday (9/15/15), and the following afternoon at 1:30 PM in Council Chambers, the LUC will be accepting public testimony of this “affordable” rental housing project at this old Betsill Bros vacant plot.

KCA plans to continue offering our input on this No Kihei project see

While many direct neighbors object to this kind of development (rental apartments in 3 story buildings) in this single home area, we try to take an overall South Maui perspective considering general resident perceptions, and our Smart Growth Scorecard’s grade after our Design Review Committee examined plans last year.

As always we encourage everyone to participate at either or both meetings to offer your point of view

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