Member Riki Hokama calls for repeal of County Code for General Plans and Community Plans!

6/15/17 # kihei
Five community members (including KCA) submitted testimony to Chair Kelly King fo
r the two items (PC 1 and 2) on the agenda this morning in her Planning Committee meeting. Three guys called in from Molokai to testify on PC (2) – Molokai Community plan update – but just two Maui Island guys, with frequent testifier Jim Smith ahead of us in the chambers. Our concern was PC (1): The Community Plan update process and again how to expedite the process.

For us, the big news was Director Will Spence stating he expected ours (Kihei-Makena Community Plan) should commence in about one year (July 2018). To be clear that likely means some kind of “community outreach” by the Department.

For West Maui, that process began in Spring 2016. According to the Director’s document, that process was halted by the Mayor’s directive in July of 2016, then not resumed until March of 2017. The same document states the expected commencement of that district’s Community Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC) is January of 2018, then onto Planning Commission (7/18) and to Council (1/19) which of course is after the next election for a new mayor and potential Council changes, depending on the voters.

The other news was Council member Hokama stating during discussion a call for repealing Maui County Code 2.80 B concerning General Plans and Community Plans which was passed by the Council several years ago and updated as recently as April this year.

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